Grateful Single Gal Writes Thank You Notes

Can she do it? Can she weave a thread, or find enough glue to write her heart and cover three amazing opportunities in one post?

I believe so. I hope so. (This is my Year of Hope, after all.)

Might as well start with saying I am going to tell you what being single, writing cards, and being grateful have to do with each other.

Thus far there are no marks of delineation to carve up the calendar. The pages of the year are open, as I hope to be. There are not other bodies and opinions and needs taking up space in my bed or kitchen or car. (I am also hopeful this will be the year that I learn to graciously escort the cerebral squatters to the curb. Amen.)

Open hope leaves room for Opportunity and her lovely gifts. It says yes more than no, but knows the difference in saying yes for me, or yes for you. I’m saying yes for me at least 35 more times in what is left of my 35th year.

My first yes was an email. A response that said, “Yes, I am available, and yes I would love to serve.” Who knew that before I could leave that day, I would say yes to one more child in my compassion family? I may be single, but that doesn’t hamper my ability to welcome someone in to my family, and it doesn’t stop others from asking me into theirs. (Thanks, Little Mr. T.) God does place the orphans in families, or grow extra branches on family trees for single gals like me. See:

5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. 6 God sets the lonely in families,[a]  Psalm 68:5-6a

Saying yes to me, led to saying yes to Nelson. Which leads me to the writing cards part of my single/grateful/card writer story. (You still following?)

You see, single me is choosing to recognize all the new pockets of time that I have. I am choosing to fill those pockets not just with hugs and kisses (because where else do you store up such goodness for quick access when someone needs it??), but with actions. Actions like maybe, finally, writing thank you cards for Christmas gifts received, and even ones for coffee dates with someone sweet. But first, since he has waited 9 long months already, I will introduce myself in a letter to Nelson.

Just so I don’t take up much more of this small coin-purse-sized pocket of time, let me lay out my grateful in this tale. For without thanks, single extends beyond lonely and alone to hopeless and listless. And shouldn’t there be a phrase or two of thanks in all that you share with your pen? I confess I don’t follow that advice, at least not yet, but I believe it is an endeavor worth making.

January 15th

one thing I wore (gratitude )…this sweet reminder from DaySpring, which was a thank you to me from them

one thing I gave away (being single )…$38. God always has more. Like Annie says, I don’t have to ask anyone how I should spend my pennies.

one thing I shared (writing cards)….the story of finding Joseph (my first compassion sponsorship), and my fears of what is ahead of him after he is done with the program

January 16th

witnessing happiness—Ellie dog when I come home;  happily sharing in a friend’s story of brave discovery; cookies for those returning, and for those who are far away…because cookie is just another way of saying happy right?

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